
Provide strategic communications and digital consultancy support for leading cultural education partnership.

Fourteen19® provides digital and strategic marketing services to Evoke – the local cultural education partnership (LCEP) for Kirklees.

As well as producing a tender that demonstrated how Evoke could increase youth engagement with arts and cultural organisations in Kirklees, We also brought together a partnership of C+K and RF Media to ensure that the maximum number of young people would be engaged and that the platform to do this would be easy to use integrated into other youth platforms currently being developed.

As part of the proposed tender, Evoke would benefit from an embedded professional who would undertake strategic youth communication and marketing delivery responsibilities. In addition, Evoke would also be supported to raise its profile with stakeholders and local arts & cultural organisations

During the late part of 2020 over a dozen interviews were held with key people and this resulted in the production of a communications strategy which was approved at the December project meeting.

This sets Evoke up for an exciting 2021 and means there will be lots of opportunities for young people to benefit through exposure to the varied cultural education available to them in the area.



What’s going on in the Fourteen19® universe:

Through no fault of their own, it is often a lack of ‘agency’ that holds many young people back. At Fourteen19® we are committed to addressing this.

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1 in 5 young people are listening to podcasts - are you utilising this growing engagement activity?

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Over the past decade you have might have heard about Fourteen19®, seen us at events or even scrolled past one of our posts. But do you know what we do and if we can be of benefit to you or your organisation?

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Within increased financial pressures on the horizon, demonstrating impact needs to be much more than publishing a list of numbers in a board report.

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