Exploring Careers podcasts
As part of the research for the Creative Careers film project, we noticed a growing trend for young people listening to podcasts.
As part of the research for the Creative Careers film project, we noticed a growing trend for young people listening to podcasts.
As a result we decided a create five pilot episodes to gauge interest and engagement. We recorded these under the newly created ‘Exploring Careers podcast’ brand.
Based on the films we produced one podcast for each of the five creative sectors:
- Visual Arts
- Theatre
- Textiles
- Film & TV
- Music
In order to make the recordings as relevant and informative as possible we invited local creative professionals to be interviewed and an expert careers adviser to provide facts, tips and advice about specific sector and how to get into it. Each show was hosted by Fourteen19® Head of Agency Graham Sykes.
All podcasts was recorded at the University of Huddersfield and we recruited a number of media students to produce the episodes.
Each show was ‘recorded as live’, but edited to remove word stumbles, mistakes and the odd “umm” or “errr”. They were then published on a podcast hosting site and made available on all the main podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and Amazon Music.
The shows will be promoted in school via careers advisers, via the MyDirections careers platform and via a number of creative industry networks.
Listening numbers will be evaluated over the coming months, but it is hoped that the initial feedback will enable us to produce more episodes and allow us to cover more employment sectors.
You can find the podcasts on the following platforms:
Apple: http://tiny.cc/vna7vz
Spotify: http://tiny.cc/xna7vz
Google: http://tiny.cc/wna7vz
Amazon: http://tiny.cc/yna7vz