Solicitors Regulation Authority
Solicitors Regulation Authority
We worked with SRA to develop a campaign that would encourage young people who have been taken into custody to take advantage of the right to have the services of a free solicitor.
Throughout 2017 we have been working with the Solicitors Regulation Authority to create a campaign that will encourage young people taken into police custody to utilise the free provision of a solicitor.
Many young people who find themselves in this situation are unaware of the law and that a provided solicitor is there to help and represent them. Our brief was to provide assets and collateral that solicitors could use that would break down barriers and establish trust.
It was clear from research that key messages would need to be simple and relevant to the target audience. Working closely with the SRA, Just for Law Kids and a panel of young people (both offenders and non-offenders) we developed a number of concepts, before unanimously deciding on the ‘It’s your Choice’ / Solicitor Takeaway campaign.
By analogising the process of choosing to work with a solicitor with choosing a meal in a takeaway, we were able to place the ‘unusual’ and often ‘scary’ situation facing them within a familiar context. The youth-friendly illustrative style was chosen to be deliberately anti-solicitor, yet would establish the solicitor’s credibility from the outset.
#TeenStrategy Objective:
Enable young people in the criminal justice system understand more about what to expect from their solicitor.
#TeenStrategy solution:
Create a communication solution that can be given to a young person in custody that will instantly build trust, demonstrate credibility and encourage positive engagement with a solicitor
Activated #TeenStrategy:
- Research with target audience to test three initial concepts leading to the preferred idea being developed
- Sourcing and commissioning of a young local illustrator
- Final concept tested with young people with experience of the criminal justice system
- Leaflets distributed to network of youth solicitors and posters distributed to police stations and youth courts
#TeenStrategy Success:
Positive feedback from youth solicitor network regarding young people utilising their services